Pre-sale Preparation

Every vehicle that leaves our premises at IMPO EXPO BY 5210 S.L. undergoes a meticulous and technical preparation process, ensuring that every aspect, from mechanical to aesthetic, is addressed.

Preparation Steps

First Step

During the initial phase, we implement a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the mechanical condition of each vehicle. We conduct precise diagnostics, and if necessary, we carry out repairs and maintenance tasks, including oil and filter changes, to ensure optimal engine performance.

Second Step

We continue with an aesthetic preparation focused on the bodywork and painting of each vehicle. We utilize advanced techniques and high-quality materials to restore and enhance the exterior appearance, maintaining superior standards in vehicle aesthetics.

Third Step

The third phase is dedicated to comprehensive cleaning, applying technical procedures to ensure that every corner of the vehicle is spotless.

Fourth Step

We conclude the process by subjecting each vehicle to the Technical Inspection of Vehicles (ITV). This technical step is crucial to verify that all aspects related to safety and quality meet the established requirements.

At IMPO EXPO BY 5210 S.L., we take pride in elevating vehicle preparation to a superior technical level. Our dedication to technical details reflects our commitment to delivering vehicles of the highest quality and performance. Every vehicle prepared in our facilities is guaranteed to have undergone a rigorous technical process to meet the expectations of our customers.

20 Years Working Together

IMPO EXPO, founded in 2008 by Alex and Natallia, has become a leading company in the Costa del Sol region, specializing in the buying and selling of taxi and public service vehicles. With over 10 years in the market, the company is renowned for its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.
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